Thursday, April 24, 2014

When the Pantry Door Creaks...

This is going to be cheesy (literally, in some cases) but hang with me here. Ever since I mentioned Totino's Party Pizzas in one of my previous blogs, I just simply HAVE to make a quick post and tell you some of the staples in the Sumner (my maiden name) household on movie nights. The following is a list of foods that I devoured as a kid and I still to this day enjoy quite often. Here they are in no particular order. Ready? You may get hungry...

Totino's Party Pizzas!
Okay, so I said they were in no order, but this one has to come first because I've been addicted to these things since as far back as I can remember! I prefer them cooked directly on the oven rack, but I'll eat it either way it's cooked. There's something about ripping the pieces apart in a primitive way and eating it like there's no tomorrow. When I lived on Long Island they were $3.00 a piece, so I NEVER really bought them while living there. I will hate you forever, Long Island, and that is one of the many reasons. Take THAT! Ha!

This box spells "home" to me :)
Q: What's a movie without popcorn?!
So yeah, I'm with the majority of people on this one, I love popcorn. Personally, I prefer lightly salted and no butter, but I'll eat it any way. I will occasionally get down on some cheddar popcorn, too. It's rare I crave kettle corn but it happens from time to time. Billy hates it, so I stick with our usual "homestyle" popcorn which is plain but great with salt. Must be eaten out of our monster bowl too. We have our priorities here.

When I was a kid though, Orville Redenbacher had some cheddar cheese popcorn to KILL for! I remember my mom would pour the popcorn into a giant, silver mixing bowl and then she would put my serving in a little tupperware bowl. I would always plop on the floor and inhale it like a starving wolverine after smoking a fat doobie. That cheddar popcorn is quite a sentimental memory of my childhood so thanks, Orville!

Look at this guy! He knows he's the shit! 

Just look at those golden puffs 

Kool-Aid (drinks and pops)
Fuck yeah! I will drink the shit outta some Kool-Aid...and eat it, too! I loved all flavors, but I remember rainbow punch being the most amazing fluid to pass through my child body. Kool-Aid serves a lot of purposes really; I drank it, ate it as frozen popsicles, and dyed one of my doll's hair with it. I even owned Kool-Aid comic books and a videotape from Kay-Bee Toys called Wacky Zany Video from Kool-Aid.

I'm regularly a consumer of just water, juice, beer, and liquor, but I will get the hankering for Kool-Aid from time to time and sometimes I have to satiate it. With vodka. Juuuust kidding. Or am I?! ;)

Apparently Rainbow Punch was someone else's favorite or else why would there be a random scan of this? 

...and someone took the time to post this on Youtube? God bless 'em

When it comes to candy, I could list SOOOO many things. Dots are some of my faves though. Some people hate them, but I love them. Even the green ones! Here is the box I remember most...

Super Soft Pretzels
Dipped in nacho cheese, please! How could you not love these things?! Pouring the salt on could sometimes be a bitch, but it was part of the fun. Still is!

As a kid, I loved chips, but Doritos were my thing. I loved all flavors, but c'mon! Nacho cheese is the best. Now that I'm a 30 year old woman who likes to drink on the weekends, I have found that Doritos are my whiskey snacks. They just taste good together. Now if only I could get back 3-D Doritos and Black Pepper Jack Doritos, I'll be a happy lady. Doritos how I remembered them...

Not very appealing for the appetite, but it gets the point across on how the bag looked circa 1988

Yep, I even remember Jay Leno being the spokesperson at one point. I'm not sure whether that's sad or snazzy. 

If you don't remember this flavor, then I'm old...

Okay. This is about all I can stand talking about food at five minutes to midnight. I imagine one of these days I'll remember tons of other snacks that I have ingested or still ingest over the years up to now, but until then I must bid farewell. Expect another one of these blogs because this was too fun! 

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