Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bookworm Wednesday - Hidden Horror

There's a lot of buzz on the internet these days about this certain book Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks. Anyone who knows me knows that those are EXACTLY my kind of horror films; the forgotten or unknown gems. This book is chock-full of excellent writing, snippets of movie images, and endless information on films that you may or may not have seen. Hell, some of these even I haven't seen and that's a win for me because I get to read valuable opinions and information from people who know what they're talking about - writers from Rue Morgue Magazine, HorrorHound Magazine, and even my own Evilspeak Magazine spill the guts on the bloodiest, goriest, sexiest horror films that were swept under the carpet by many, but not by some.

So come on, I know you want it! Support a book that was compiled by genuine horror fans from around the globe.


You can also follow Dr. AC's blog here on his blogspot page Horror 101 with Dr. AC 

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