Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Massacre 24-hour horrorthon 2014!

Last year, The Massacre, followed by the GOBLIN show was probably my favorite event of mine and Billy’s so I was really looking forward to going again. We made our way up to Chicago on October 18th and made our way back home the next day this time just for The Massacre – a 24-hour horror movie marathon playing classics we either love, like just a little, or even sometimes hate on the BIG screen!

Before we arrived in Chi-town, we stopped off at my old stomping grounds in Munster, IN. where I lived for a little over a year back in 2006-2007. Those of you who follow what I do with music will know this was where I formed and recorded with my bands SLASH DEMENTIA and WOLFHOLLOW. My purpose really for taking Billy here was to yes, show him where I lived, but mainly to take him to one of my favorite restaurants there called Arnie’s Dog House (“Where Man Bites Dog”). Even this vegetarian had to cheat on her diet that day. I had my classic order: hot dog with mustard and relish, corn dog, and a mound of their nothing special but oh so tasty French fries. Billy settled for two dogs, a pizza puff and fries. I was so happy to see the hot dog summer camp mural was still painted on the wall and they kept their old-fashioned menu as well. See pics to confirm awesomeness.

Next, I drove him through Hammond and actually got lost a few times because even though the area was familiar, a lot of it was foreign since it has changed in the last few years. Billy was able to sight-see while I lost my mind for a bit at the wheel, angry at myself for forgetting my way around, ha! Eventually, my sense of direction took over and…

Off on the Chicago Skyway we went, and with little to no further problems we made it to the Portage Theatre where our friends were waiting at the door to greet us. Not really, but most of them were gathered ‘round the vendor tables which were all near the door – and then they greeted us. After mingling a bit, it was time for me to catch the last of Trilogy of Terror. I was happy to just catch the last few moments as Karen Black bared her ancient Zuni fangs. The crowd clapped and cheered and I was ready for the next movie to begin – The Deadly Spawn!   

I was excited to see and hear the crowd being so active, but there were moments where some of them were a little too active and wouldn't shut the fuck up; however, I was happy to hear one guy’s reaction to seeing the 1974 classic Black Christmas for the first time. After the first kill his reaction was, “whoa”. After Margot Kidder’s death, “Daaaaamn”, and then when the killer’s eye can be seen protruding from the crack of the door, “What the FUCK?! Noooo, NOOOO!!” I envied this guy. This movie genuinely creeped me out the first time I saw it late night back in the winter of 1995 on Cinemax, so to see it for the first time on the big screen must have been awesome. Maybe I don’t have to lose all hope on kids today after all since he didn’t laugh and boo like the rest of the chumps he was sitting with, haha!

Other highlights include the Italian classics Dellamorte Dellamore and Dario Argento’s Tenebre. Unfortunately, I had to sit out Tobe Hooper’s Eaten Alive for two reasons: my ass and back were killing me, and the cold darkness of the theatre was making me extremely tired. Coffee and conversation ensued out in the lobby with great friends Matt Harding, Tom Knizner from Cardiac Arrest, and Putrid. I guess you could say it was somewhat an Evilspeak Magazine business meeting? That would be pretty accurate actually. But we all adjourned back into the theatre for the 7am screening of the Hammer Film masterpiece Twins of Evil. It was amazing to see this on the big screen and to watch it with friends. Our commentary throughout the film was keeping me awake and made the experience even more enjoyable.

As The Town that Dreaded Sundown began, the commentary wasn't keeping me as awake as I would like to have been and I didn't really think a nap would suffice in order to stick around for Day of the Dead even though that was a movie I wanted to see. We called it a day and left the windy city to stop off in Schererville, IN. for a breakfast at a restaurant Round the Clock. Can’t say that I wanted to eat there, but the other place I wanted to take Billy, Schoops, wasn't open yet. Oh well, there’s always next time!

What can I say, The Massacre was great fun and next year I’ll be better prepared with blankets and a pillow. I also plan for us to stay the full 24 hours so that we can make it in the final photo! It’s a goal, and I WILL make it happen. Who’s with me?!

1 comment:

  1. That hotdog summer camp mural would have been worth the trip for me.
