For those who know me well, they know I'm not the first to pick up a modern horror flick. I'll try one out here and there, but it's rare. I'm certainly glad that I was curious enough about this movie to sit back and let go of any expectations or judgments. It also helps that I am friends with the writer Trent Haaga. With that aside, I did not cast aspersions on what this movie could be and instead gave full attention which was grabbed right away.

At this point, you start asking yourself who the real monsters are - the "zombie" girl who threatens to chomp on those who get to close to her, or the rapist boys who keep her captive while they get off on her helpless, naked body. Obviously you could say both, in their own way, but I will say that the boys, mainly JT, are aware of their actions and are the real monsters. There's even a point when two bullies are led to the body and eventually take part in some necrophilia. The main bully gets his dick bitten and later in the movie we see that he has developed an infection from her bite. Again, we're almost rooting for the girl here. Actually, we are rooting for the girl and it pays off in the end because she eventually breaks free and goes on a chomping spree ridding herself from being held captive and being repeatedly raped.
A disturbing image from the film where the dead is the abused
What I love about the movie is that it's called Deadgirl and while she is the root of the story, it flourishes beyond that; it's definitely a story about how some people will go to extremities for their pleasures, obsessions, curiosities, etc., and for some people they don't care who they're hurting. The movie is horrific in many aspects and that aspect is delivered perfectly through the writing, the pacing, no CGI effects, and the amazing performances, especially from Noah Segan who portrays JT, and Jenny Spain who fearlessly plays the dead girl. An actress who will go the whole movie totally nude, tied up, repeatedly raped, and then breaks away to chomp some faces deserves a nod for her gutsy approach to doing this role.
If you're looking for a newer movie with guts (not in the gory sense) then you should probably put this at the top of your list. If you still have a record/movie store in your town, seek it out there, or order here!